Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Womans Study Bible

Thomas Nelson

I spent a lot of time trying to find just the perfect woman's bible for myself. I sat at the bookstore pouring over the different options and found one thing in common throughout them all -- they are fluff! There was no depth, nothing for the serious woman of God to study.

I know there is a market for easily digestible Bibles out there. There are many women who are new or young in the faith who need milk instead of meat. But there has to be an option for those women who are looking for something deeper to help them grow in the Lord. Real food.

Then I happened upon the Woman's Study Bible from Thomas Nelson. It is a beautiful bible, physically, but that aspect of it pales in comparison to its contents. The study notes are not only thorough and many, but they are specifically geared towards the interests and concerns of women (not in a pandering or militant sort of way) and then in addition there are regular devotionals/studies throughout the Bible that focus (in a VERY balanced way) on various topics of faith, life, doctrine, etc. as well as female characters in the Bible.

As with any good study bible there are many diagrams, charts, and other helps to aid the serious reader with their understanding of biblical concepts/events.

I love this bible and I love it in this format. It is very portable and readable anywhere. I do wish the paper was a bit thicker, but then again, then the Bible would be quite a bit thicker which would take away from its convenient size.

Well done, Thomas Nelson, thanks for updating your Womans Study Bible (the original edition was good too, but not nearly as nice as this one) and for producing a product that acknowledges the dignity and desire for study of your female audience.

(posted by iPhone)

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