By Shannon Dittemore
I really wanted to enjoy this book. The reviews I read before signing up to review it were excellent, and the premise behind the story (young people dealing with the realities of the spiritual realm with angels and demons and God) really caught my attention, but in the end I just really did not enjoy this book at all.
I found the writing hard to follow (each chapter is written from the alternating perspective of a different one of the main characters -- a literary device which I usually enjoy but which I found annoying in this book) which wasn't my main beef with the book... my main problem was that I just found it difficult to follow the story because of the convoluted language used and -- more importantly the details that were ommitted in the narration. There were a lot of things that seemed to be assumed by the author but which i didn't get in my reading of the story so I was lost by the end of the first chapter and totally disinterested by the end of the 4th.
But judging from the rave reviews this book has received, maybe its just me in this case. I'm ready to concede that possibility for this book.