Published by: Thomas Nelson
Okay, so unlike “The Voice” New Testament which I recently reviewed, The Thomas Nelson Expanded Bible is NOT a devotional bible. At least, not if you’re easily distracted.
This is best described as an amplified Bible and the amplifications are great. Very helpful when studying, though hard to just sit down and read.
Case in point, Romans 1:1: “From Paul a servant [slave; bondservant] of Christ Jesus. God called me [L…called] to be an apostle [messenger] and chose me [set me apart; appointed me] to tell the Good News [Gospel].”
I reviewed the electronic version of this Bible and I can say that it is definitely not the easiest e-reader Bible I’ve tried to navigate, but its not the worst either. There’s got to be a better way…oh wait, there already is! Why can’t the publishers settle on an efficient way to make it so us avid e-readers can enjoy the Bible on our devices I just can’t understand…
I think I would have enjoyed the hardcopy version – it’d be a great resource to have on the shelf or take to a Bible study. But as an e-reader? Not so much. Devotional Bibles are great on an e-reader because you can just read through them page by page, but when you’re trying to study the Bible, you’re often going from book to book, chapter to chapter. To have to go back out to the Table of Contents each time and labouriously go through the process of getting to the reference is a real chore.
Get the hardcopy. If you like the Amplified, you’ll like this.